25 Maggio 2021

5 People Who Should Learn to Play Guitar

25 Maggio 2021

5 People Who Should Learn to Play Guitar

25 Maggio 2021

5 People Who Should Learn to Play Guitar

The guitar is a popular musical instrument and it’s attracted numerous players. The instrument traces its origins to Spain where it found inspiration from a medieval instrument with a waist and four strings. The earlier designs were narrower and deeper than the modern guitar. The waist was also smaller. As the instrument improves and gains more popularity, it’s sparked a lot of interest among different people. More people are enrolling for guitar lessons across the world and new professional guitarists are joining the music industry every day. Moreover, teachers are also increasing and access to good lessons is simpler now. Therefore the question remains, who should learn to play guitar?

The Child Looking for Something New 

Children have a unique sense of curiosity. Unfortunately, these days their curiosity is directed to mobile devices and the internet. Their malleable minds are fed worthless information which is detrimental to their cognitive growth. The guitar is a great way to get your child off their devices. Guitar builds unique skills that improve fine motor movement and cognitive function. The instrument relies on the player multitasking as they navigate through chords and different strumming patterns. This skill is important to learn at a young age and it’s application stretches to professional and academic environments. Studies also show children who learn a music instruments or skills that involve fine motor movements have cognitive advantages over their peers. This is a wakeup call for any parent whose child is stuck on their phone.

The Interested Teenager

Our teenage years are marked by an overwhelming eagerness to pick up new hobbies. Whether it was for recognition or personal satisfaction, we end up pursuing many interests. The guitar is a good hobby to pick up.  It cultivates consistency and perseverance, two attributes that can see anyone through their teenage years. If you notice your daughter or son is fond of playing air guitar. Get them enrolled to guitar classes or at least get them a guitar. Jamming to their favourite songs and artists is a satisfaction only a teenager can understand. Moreover, with a guitar at hand, your teenage child can be the life of a party. 

Aspiring Musician/ Songwriters.

If you have made up your mind to become a musician, it’s important to learn at least one music instrument. It improves your understanding of music and opens new creative possibilities. The guitar is a great instrument to learn if you are into music. It exposes players to different musical styles and gives a deep understanding of how music works. It’s not surprising that some of the greatest musicians like John Mayer and BB King are guitarists. For songwriters, learning the guitar allows you to think beyond words and rhymes and make the most out of music. Principles of music are well illustrated through the guitar and learning them gives you unlimited freedom to create top tier music. 

The Fallen Guitarist

Most people never see through their desire to play the guitar. After buying the instrument and attempting one or two songs, the guitar is left at some corner to collect dust. There is no better time than now to muster courage, pick up the instrument and continue your journey to being a good guitar player. Learning guitar is quite easy. The internet has enough resources to get your started including online classes and video demonstrations. If you want personal tutoring, teachers are available. There is no excuse for letting your guitar serve as an aesthetic piece instead of a musical instrument. 

The Late Comers

There is no age limit to who can learn the guitar. Contrary to popular opinion, old people can learn how to play a musical instrument easily. What’s needed is a good program and the right attitude. There are parents who have learnt the guitar to share in the musical journey of their children since there is nothing as good as bonding while jamming. Therefore, don’t let your date of birth deter you from learning the guitar. The guitar belongs to everyone.

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